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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

What He Tells Me

“Your life is sad and miserable.”

That’s what you say

When I spend all morning working

And feel tired the rest of the day.

“You should be rich by now.”

That’s what you say

When I check my wallet

And think about the bills I need to pay.

“Everyone’s bleeding you dry.”

That’s what you say

When I give to those in need

Whilst trying to save money to move away.

“Why do you even bother?”

That’s what you ask

When I think about my life

And wonder if everything’s a vain task.

“Don’t worry. Seek God’s kingdom 

And His righteousness first.”

That’s what Jesus tells me

Whenever I expect the worst.

“Seek first God’s kingdom

And all your needs will be added to you.”

That’s what Jesus tells me

And I know what He says is true.

“He is always faithful.”

That’s what I say

When God reminds me

How He provides for me day by day.

Choosing which voice to listen to

Is a daily struggle for me.

But I will heed my Savior,

I will seek God’s kingdom and not worry.


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