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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

20 Fantasy Writing Prompts


Are you struggling with writer’s block? Do you need something to get your creative train of thought chugging again? Try these fun fantasy writing prompts to get started on your next story or poem!

1. A character is running out of money and time. She needs to find some way to pay the bills. Just when all hope seems lost, her fairy godmother shows up to help in an unconventional way.

2. Two mythical beings decide to switch abilities for a time out of curiosity. What could possibly go wrong?

3. A prince (or princess) decides he’s done with the stresses of royal life, but quickly realizes that life as a peasant isn’t easy either.

4. A child decides to run away from home and hopes to get adopted by fairies. However, she ends up getting adopted by another fantasy race she doesn’t expect.

5. A couple of servants who have been mistreated by the royal family for years finally snap and attempt to get revenge, but they don’t want to kill anyone. They need to be more creative.

6. Your character goes on a quest to defeat a great beast. But when he finds the secret lair, there’s a sign out front with one single word: RETIRED.

7. Your character is the type of person who wants to see the best in everyone and everything, but his ideals are tested when an ancient beast asks him for help with his redemption arc.

8. A woodland sprite loves to pull pranks on humans, but there’s one mortal who always manages to not to fall for any of her pranks. What is she going to do?!

9. Your character finds a big old book with a strange message on the first page: Dear reader, whatever you do, don’t read past page 1179!

10. Your character is given a magic mirror from a mythical being. The mirror is supposed to reveal the state of one’s heart and the true intentions of whoever looks into it. With the help of this mirror, what does your character discover about themselves? What do they discover about those around them?

11. A king makes a deal with a frog queen, but lives to regret it.

12. A dragon isn’t supposed to have any friends, at least not friends who aren’t dragons. But one dragon decides to break that rule and befriend a “lowlier” species. Who do they befriend? What happens next?

13. A fairy is tricked into eating a fruit that makes her wings vanish. She needs to get them back fast, but it’s not going to be easy.

14. As your character walks through the woods, she finds a delicious cake sitting on a large toadstool along with steaming cups of herbal tea. Naturally, she needs to help herself to it, right? What could possibly go wrong?

15. A mythical species has slowly been going extinct, and your character is tasked with saving them. However, poachers and invasive species aren’t easy to combat.

16. Your character’s loved one has gotten entangled in a cult, and he needs to get him out. But he can’t do it alone, so he needs to enlist the help of a mythical creature (ex. Unicorn, dragon, or phoenix).

17. Your character is certain that she has seen little people with mushroom cap hats running around in the woods, but she needs to catch one to prove she’s not insane.

18. A lumberman sees the most beautiful tree he has ever seen, and it has gorgeous wood he is sure will be perfect to sell to carpenters. But right when he puts his ax to the tree’s stump, he hears a voice saying, “STOP!”

19. A bounty hunter must hunt down and kill monsters that disguise themselves as humans and fairies, but it’s not easy to distinguish the real humans from the fakes, and he doesn’t always make the right call.

20. Your character is told that they are the Chosen One destined to save everyone. But there’s one little problem…It turns out there’s been a mistake. Your character realizes they aren’t the Chosen One, but has trouble convincing everyone else otherwise.


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