
60 Shona Character Names

Would you like to find some Shona names for your characters? Here is a list of positive Shona names that you can try.

1. Akashinga: he/she is determined

2. Acharwisa: he/she will fight on

3. Achatonga: he/she will rule

4. Anotonga: he/she rules

5. Atonga: he/she has ruled

6. Akudzwa: he/she has been praised (or honored)

7. Akudzwe: he/she be praised

8. Anashe: he/she is with the lord

9. Anembiri: he/she is famous

10. Asarudzwa: he/she has been chosen

11. Asarudza: he/she has chosen

12. Atida: he/she loved us

13. Anotida: he/she loves us

14. Batsira: provide help/ assist

15. Batanayi: unite/ work together

16. Batidza: ignite/ assist

17. Budirirayi: be successful/ succeed

18. Budiriro: success

19. Chakazorwa: the anointed one

20. Chazorwa: it has been anointed

21. Chamukute: is is golden

22. Chiwanza: increase

23. Dzarumbidzwa: they have been praised

24. Dzawanda: they have increased

25. Dzinembiri: they have fame/ two

26. Fariranayi: be happy together

27. Fadzayi: please/ bring pleasure

28. Farisayi: be overjoyed/ greet.

29. Gonesa: be excellent at it

30. Gwinyayi: be strong

31. Gutsaruzhinji: satisfy many (with food)

32. Hatitye: we are not afraid

33. Hanya: care/ concern

34. Ishemunyoro: a sympathetic or soft chief

35. Isheunesu: the lord is with us

36. Kakunda: it has overcome

37. Kanengoni: it has mercy

38. Kanotonga: the one that rules

39. Kanokudzwa: it is praised/ respected

40. Kanotida: it loves us

41. Munovimbika: you can be trusted/ relied upon

42. Mupawose: the one who gives to all

43. Mupfumi: rich/ wealthy person

44. Murapi: the healer

45. Regerera: forgive

46. Rombo: luck

47. Runako: beauty

48. Sahwira: best friend

49. Shamiso: miracle

50. Shamisa: amaze

51. Tadiwa: we are loved

52. Tafara: we are happy

53. Takwirira: we are getting better/ wealthy

54. Tatenda: we thank you

55. Umbowo: wise counsel

56. Vavarira: perservere

57. Vheneka: shed light on

58. Wakanaka: you are beautiful/ good looking

59. Yemurayi: admire

60. Zishasha: the champion

If you want more Shona names, you can find them in the Shona-English Name Dictionary by Eliah Kapezi (which is the book I used for this list), or you can check out other websites as well.

Works Cited

Kapezi, Eliah. Shona-English Name Dictionary. Book Vine Press, 2022. Hoopla Digital,https://www.hoopladigital.com/ebook/shona-english-name-dictionary-eliah-chakanetsa-kapezi/15101542.


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