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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

60 Shona Character Names

Would you like to find some Shona names for your characters? Here is a list of positive Shona names that you can try.

1. Akashinga: he/she is determined

2. Acharwisa: he/she will fight on

3. Achatonga: he/she will rule

4. Anotonga: he/she rules

5. Atonga: he/she has ruled

6. Akudzwa: he/she has been praised (or honored)

7. Akudzwe: he/she be praised

8. Anashe: he/she is with the lord

9. Anembiri: he/she is famous

10. Asarudzwa: he/she has been chosen

11. Asarudza: he/she has chosen

12. Atida: he/she loved us

13. Anotida: he/she loves us

14. Batsira: provide help/ assist

15. Batanayi: unite/ work together

16. Batidza: ignite/ assist

17. Budirirayi: be successful/ succeed

18. Budiriro: success

19. Chakazorwa: the anointed one

20. Chazorwa: it has been anointed

21. Chamukute: is is golden

22. Chiwanza: increase

23. Dzarumbidzwa: they have been praised

24. Dzawanda: they have increased

25. Dzinembiri: they have fame/ two

26. Fariranayi: be happy together

27. Fadzayi: please/ bring pleasure

28. Farisayi: be overjoyed/ greet.

29. Gonesa: be excellent at it

30. Gwinyayi: be strong

31. Gutsaruzhinji: satisfy many (with food)

32. Hatitye: we are not afraid

33. Hanya: care/ concern

34. Ishemunyoro: a sympathetic or soft chief

35. Isheunesu: the lord is with us

36. Kakunda: it has overcome

37. Kanengoni: it has mercy

38. Kanotonga: the one that rules

39. Kanokudzwa: it is praised/ respected

40. Kanotida: it loves us

41. Munovimbika: you can be trusted/ relied upon

42. Mupawose: the one who gives to all

43. Mupfumi: rich/ wealthy person

44. Murapi: the healer

45. Regerera: forgive

46. Rombo: luck

47. Runako: beauty

48. Sahwira: best friend

49. Shamiso: miracle

50. Shamisa: amaze

51. Tadiwa: we are loved

52. Tafara: we are happy

53. Takwirira: we are getting better/ wealthy

54. Tatenda: we thank you

55. Umbowo: wise counsel

56. Vavarira: perservere

57. Vheneka: shed light on

58. Wakanaka: you are beautiful/ good looking

59. Yemurayi: admire

60. Zishasha: the champion

If you want more Shona names, you can find them in the Shona-English Name Dictionary by Eliah Kapezi (which is the book I used for this list), or you can check out other websites as well.

Works Cited

Kapezi, Eliah. Shona-English Name Dictionary. Book Vine Press, 2022. Hoopla Digital,


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