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Showing posts from January, 2025


60 Shona Character Names

Would you like to find some Shona names for your characters? Here is a list of positive Shona names that you can try. 1. Akashinga: he/she is determined 2. Acharwisa: he/she will fight on 3. Achatonga: he/she will rule 4. Anotonga: he/she rules 5. Atonga: he/she has ruled 6. Akudzwa: he/she has been praised (or honored) 7. Akudzwe: he/she be praised 8. Anashe: he/she is with the lord 9. Anembiri: he/she is famous 10. Asarudzwa: he/she has been chosen 11. Asarudza: he/she has chosen 12. Atida: he/she loved us 13. Anotida: he/she loves us 14. Batsira: provide help/ assist 15. Batanayi: unite/ work together 16. Batidza: ignite/ assist 17. Budirirayi: be successful/ succeed 18. Budiriro: success 19. Chakazorwa: the anointed one 20. Chazorwa: it has been anointed 21. Chamukute: is is golden 22. Chiwanza: increase 23. Dzarumbidzwa: they have been praised 24. Dzawanda: they have increased 25. Dzinembiri: they have fame/ two 26. Fariranayi: be happy together 27. Fadzayi: please/ bring pleasure...

60 Shona Character Names

50 Suspenseful Dialogue Prompts

20 Fantasy Writing Prompts

20 Unique Professions for Your Characters

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