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Rain crackles on the sidewalks As the thunder bellows and roars. Cars hiss by on the wet streets As fallen leaves soar. Lightning flashes in the clouds As the trees dance in the wind. Chills and goosebumps rise on my arms As the cold rain hits my skin. Birds sing in their havens As rivers form in the parking lot. Blades of grass flinch and twitch  As they are pelted by raindrops. Cars sweat and weep buckets As they are left out in the stormy weather. Puddles form in the mud As raindrops splash ripples in them together. The scent of asphalt and rain Fills the cool, humid air As God’s rain calms my restless soul And washes away my despair.

What Names Should I Choose?

Naming my characters

Can be so hard to do.

Should I name one Louise

Or for short, call her Lou?

I like to give their names meaning

Something that reflects their character,

Like a fiery girl named Amber

Or a shy girl named Lavender.

But maybe some names

Are too on the nose

Like Maleficent, Goodfellow

Or Innocent Rose.

Despite the difficulty, 

I love to employ

My naming skills

To find names I enjoy.

I would love to name a character

Paisley or Maisy

Or Mosie or Posey

Or Hailey or Daisy.

I could name one Deborah

And another could be Yihana.

Another could be Alisa

And another could be Ayanna.

I could name characters

Zackary or Titus

Or Bebo, or Norman

Or Orion or Situs.

I could name one Kazimir

And still another Veggie,

Or Zeus or Atlas

Or maybe just Reggie.

So many names,

So many choices!

I still have yet to think

Of their stories and character voices!

I should come up

With a name as a placeholder

So I can focus on the story

And see if I like it as it gets older.

But what should be

My placeholder name?

Should it be Victoria, Arachnophobia,

Or Unquechable Flame?


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