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Rain crackles on the sidewalks As the thunder bellows and roars. Cars hiss by on the wet streets As fallen leaves soar. Lightning flashes in the clouds As the trees dance in the wind. Chills and goosebumps rise on my arms As the cold rain hits my skin. Birds sing in their havens As rivers form in the parking lot. Blades of grass flinch and twitch  As they are pelted by raindrops. Cars sweat and weep buckets As they are left out in the stormy weather. Puddles form in the mud As raindrops splash ripples in them together. The scent of asphalt and rain Fills the cool, humid air As God’s rain calms my restless soul And washes away my despair.

Youth Adventurers Protection Society

Sebastian, Alpine, and Ember looked up at the brave Mordag the knight, who stood by the gate of the city, Krystal. They were all prepared to depart and go on their mission. The young trio had always wanted to go on adventures and save the world. Now was their chance.

Mordag’s armor and emerald blade glinted brightly in the sunlight. He raised his sword up high. “Young travelers, are you truly willing to join me on my quest to defeat the dark lord, Glormiford, and save our fair city from ruin?”

Sebastian, Alpine, and Ember nodded. “Of course, we—”

“No, no, no, no, no! That is not how things work around here!”

They all turned. A man with short brown hair wearing a brown cloak and a brown hat walked up to them. He held a suitcase in his left hand.

“Pardon?” Mordag said.

“That’s not how things work.” The man showed his badge, which had YAPS in gold lettering. “I am Finnian O’Keefee from YAPS, The Youth Adventurers Protection Service. We’re an organization that try to ensure the safety of children who risk their lives by going on crazy quests. You, boy,” he pointed at Sebastian. “How old are you?”

“Uh, fourteen, sir.”

Finnian turned to Ember. “What about you?”

“Also fourteen,” Ember said.

“Yep. That’s what I thought. You see, you can’t go on a quest like this without parental consent.”


“Rule 1 of the YAPS law book is that minors cannot sign contracts or make agreements that involve a highly dangerous quest, such as this one. You are still a minor and therefore you cannot sign a contract or make an agreement with this…” He turned to Mordag. “What’s your name?”


“Thank you. You cannot sign a contract or make an agreement with this Mordag without your parent or legal guardian. He took out a one-inch-thick stack of forms from his suitcase and handed it to Sebastian. “If you are to go on this ‘defeat the dark lord’ quest, you need your parents or legal guardian to sign these forms which I will take back to the office to get it approved.” He pointed at Ember. “That goes for you as well.” He took out another stack of forms and handed it to her.

Sebastian sputtered. “B-but my parents were taken by Glormiford!”

“They were?”

“Yes!” Ember said. “And mine were too!”

“That’s the whole reason I’m going on this quest,” Sebastian said. “To save my parents!”

Finnian O’Keefee tapped his chin. “Hmm. I see. That makes things more difficult. Very well, then. Since they were kidnapped, you can take these papers to your closest relative to sign.”

“What about me?” Alpine asked. “Do I need some documentation too?”

“Do you have parents?”

Alpine hesitated. “Well, no.”

“Then there’s your answer. You’re an orphan, so your free real estate, kid. Congratulations. You’re free to endanger your life as you see fit.”

Alpine stared at him. “Gee, thanks.”

“But our closest relatives are in Bridgetown, which is a week’s journey away!” Sebastian said.

“And mine are in Grovetown which is twice as far,” Ember said.

“Then consider them to be your new side quests to complete. That should be fun.”

“But it takes away precious time,” Mordag said. “Glormiford will—”

“Oh, yes, almost forgot about you, Mr.…?”


“What hero ends up with a name like Mordag? Sounds more like a villain name to me. Anyway, you will also need to put your signature on some of the forms and agree to the terms and conditions.”

Mordag gave him a look. “Terms and conditions?”

“Yes. If the parents, or in this case closest kin, agree to let these minors go on a quest, you must sign your name and agree that you take all responsibility for any harm or potential death of the minors under your charge.”

“Wait, what?!”

“Those are the rules. Once the documents are signed, you may take them to me at the Library of Legal Paperwork.”

“But we don’t have time for this! Glormiford will destroy the whole realm if—”

“Are you an upholder of the law or not?”

“I am, but—”

“Do you wish to be arrested?”


“Then you will bring the signed documents to the Library of Legal Paperwork or you will tell these kids to go home.” He glanced at Alpine. “Except the orphan. He doesn’t have a home.”

Alpine’s face became red. “Yes I do!”

“My apologies. You have a nice quaint tent under the old bridge, don’t you?”

Alpine glared at him and stomped off to the nearest shop. “‘Free real estate,’ he says,” Alpine muttered. “As if orphans shouldn’t be protected. When this quest is over, I’ll throw rotten tomatoes at him. That’ll show him.”

“Well, my work here is done.” Finnian O’Keefee tipped his hat. “Have a good day. And don’t skip the paperwork!” He turned and walked away.

They all stared at the stack of forms they were given.

Sebastian sighed. “Well, this is gonna take a while.”


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