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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

God’s Flood

God’s vengeance is brewing today

I can feel it in my bones.

The wind's picking up,

Clouds are huddling up,

And the thunder’s shaking mighty people’s thrones.

It will be like Noah and the flood

That came on that fateful day.

The people didn’t know

The water levels would grow

And wipe them all away.

By the time the ark was finished

The rains poured down with wrath.

The evil ones saw their fate

But it was far too late

The waters swallowed all in their path.

You thought you had escaped His judgment

You thought you had dodged His wrath.

You thought after your sin

You wouldn’t get your reckoning

But now God is on the warpath.

Did you think God didn’t see the pain

And the suffering you have wrought?

God can see all

And He’s gonna make you fall

He isn’t One to be mocked.

Like Noah, I will build an ark

That will thrive in the flood.

It’s for me and my friends.

You’re not allowed in

You’ve wallowed in too much mud.

Did you think God wasn’t watching?

Did you think He didn’t care?

You better believe

What you’d failed to perceive;

He’s laying your sin bare.

When the floodwaters begin to rise,

The fear of God will shake your core.

You know you can’t float,

You’ll try entering my boat

But find that God’s already shut the door.

Can you see God’s vengeance

Pouring down like rain?

To you it means death

But for me, it’s the first breath

Of a new life without strife and pain.

Can you see God’s vengeance

Flooding over you as you try to stay dry?

It’s dragging you down,

You fear you will drown.

On my ark, the water’s lifting me high.

I shall journey across the sea

And find a new land with God as my guide.

I know I’m not alone

He will guide me home

To a fair place that has already dried.

I will offer Him an offering

That is sweet and pleasing to Him

And like a large cup

That won’t stop filling up

God’s presence will overflow to the brim.


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