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Rain crackles on the sidewalks As the thunder bellows and roars. Cars hiss by on the wet streets As fallen leaves soar. Lightning flashes in the clouds As the trees dance in the wind. Chills and goosebumps rise on my arms As the cold rain hits my skin. Birds sing in their havens As rivers form in the parking lot. Blades of grass flinch and twitch  As they are pelted by raindrops. Cars sweat and weep buckets As they are left out in the stormy weather. Puddles form in the mud As raindrops splash ripples in them together. The scent of asphalt and rain Fills the cool, humid air As God’s rain calms my restless soul And washes away my despair.

The Creepy Crawly Spider

One misty morning

In the Forest of Zeru

I was flying around

Wondering what to do.

I had woken up quite small

The size of a little pixie

When I used to be big

As big as, well, a fairy.

Don’t ask me how I shrunk

I have no idea how.

Something to do with a strange elk

But that tale’s for later, not now.

Anyway, I was trying to get home 

I was lost you see.

Navigating the woods is harder

When you’re tinier than every tree.

After going around a tree trunk,

Imagine my stroke of luck

When I flew into a spider’s web

And got a bit stuck.

I was ready to squirm,

Beat my wings until I was free

But then I heard a voice

Quiet and eerie.

“What new treat

Has struck my web?

What little insect

Will soon be dead?”

Still as a stone

I held my breath.

Above me was a spider

Ready to condemn me to death.

I thought I was a goner

When the spider drew near

But it didn’t touch me.

Its voice tormented my ears.

“I could swear

Something hit my web.

I could swear 

I’d have breakfast in bed.”

I realized then

That it must’ve been blind

For a pixie in a yellow dress

Isn’t that hard to find.

My nerves became less tense

As the spider moved away

But my relief was short lived

For the spider had more to say.

The creepy thing hummed,

The horrid creature sang

The most chilling, nerve wracking 

Song known to man, and it rang;

“Creepy Crawly

I’m so hungry.

Why won’t somebody

Fly into my web?

It is nice

It can catch mice.

Creepy Crawly

I’m so lonely.

Why won’t somebody

Visit me?

Come to my web

You won’t be dead.

Creepy crawly

Aren’t you hungry?

I’ve got plenty of food for you

I have snacks

Flies and gnats.

Creepy crawly

Aren’t you sleepy?

Come over here, rest your head

I’ll make a bed

Out of web.

I’ll, even,

Tuck you in

With, my gentle

Spidery limbs.

Creepy crawly

Crawly creepy

Come you’re sleepy

Rest your head

In this bed

Made of web.

You won’t be dead.

At least not yet.”

I’m not sure which is worse

About the song’s lyrics

Its interruption of my rhyme scheme

Or that it nearly drove me to hysterics.

Anyhow, I closed my eyes,

Begging the good Lord

To stop the spider from singing 

The song I abhorred.

Alas, the spider kept singing

That wretched song.

The urge to fidget helped me see

What the song’s purpose was all along.

The song was meant to creep out

Any prey nearby

So they’d squirm, she’d find them, 

And her prey would die.

While the spider hummed 

Its warped, wicked tune

A fly buzzed, the spider pounced,

The fly was getting a new silk cocoon.

It’s now or never, I thought,

So, I beat my wings

But more cobwebs got on me

My attempt had worsened things.

“Aha! Another treat!”

The spider said.

She came crawling to me

Great, I thought, now I’m dead.

But just as the spider

Was about to bite me

It stopped short and screamed

“Aaah! Who hurt me?!”

A spear made of

A porcupine’s quill

Was stuck in the back of the spider

Who fell, curled up, and lay still.

A pixie flew up to me

“I’ll help you, don’t worry,”

And with a dagger, she cut

All the sticky webs in a hurry.

I fluttered around smiling.

I was once again free

“Thank you,” I said.

She nodded. “Now follow me.”

I was hesitant.

“Follow you where?”

“To my home in the trees,”

“I can’t follow you there.

“My family is waiting.

I’ve got to get home.

Could you point me to the place

Called the Huey Honeycomb?”

She pointed East, “There,

But it will be dark soon,”

I realized she was right,

As I caught a glimpse of the moon.

“If you follow me,

You can have a place to stay

And journey on

Tomorrow when it is day.”

Fearing more creatures

Hungry for a shrunken fairy,

I agreed to follow the pixie

To her sanctuary.

Her home was beautiful

For now, that is all I will say.

The tale of the hidden Zeru pixies

Is for another day.


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