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30 Fantasy Dialogue Prompts

  Do you need some inspiration for your next fantasy story? Here are thirty fantasy dialogue prompts for you to use. If you like, feel free to post your story in the comments.   1. “Surprise! I heard you liked reptiles, so I got you a new pet!” “What the–? Lizards ! I like lizards , not dragons!” 2. “Um, guys, why is the Evil Overlord not in his cell?” “Oh. That. Erm…it’s a funny story really.” 3. “The fae kidnapped my poor baby! I just know it!” “No offense, but if I were fae, I’d rather be burned by iron than kidnap your kid.” 4. “Whoa, sick tattoo! Where’d you get it?” “From a witch’s curse. But thanks.” 5. “Are–are we really the last dragons?” “...I’m hungry. Let’s eat that shepherd’s flock for breakfast.” 6. “Our king has commanded us to increase his quota of treats.” “Your king is a husky? Whose idea was this?” 7. “There are hundreds of people pretending to be the prince. What makes you so sure he’s telling the truth?” “I just know, okay!” ...

Burkes Beach South Carolina

Yesterday, my family and I drove to Burkes Beach in Hilton Head, South Carolina. While we were walking over the bridge leading to the beach, we saw three beautiful kites in the sky and a school of fish in the river.

At the beach, there were little fish swimming in the waves that lapped the shore, little clams burrowing into the sand, and pelicans and other birds diving into the water as they tried to catch fish.

As I was wading in the ocean, I found a piece of seaweed. My sister decided to keep it. 

I also saw what I first thought might have been a shark tooth. But upon grabbing it out of the water I found it was a shell. I was hoping to find a rare seashell or something else interesting, like a shark’s tooth. Though I didn’t find anything like that, I did collect a few nice seashells and a pebble.

Here are some other photos I took at the beach. 

You can find my video of the beach here:


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