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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

When the Stars Come

When the stars come, I cry

For joy that my day’s toil is done.

When the sun comes, I cry

For grief that another day’s toil has come.

Not everything is good

But not everything is bad.

Most days, I’m somewhat happy

And other days, I’m somewhat sad.

I have done so much

Yet I have done so little.

Many things have changed

Yet many things haven’t changed a tittle.

There are many things I want to do

Yet I don’t want to do much at all.

I’m so antsy to do something,

Yet I’m too tired to do anything by nightfall.

Sometimes I work too hard,

Sometimes I don’t work hard enough.

Sometimes I do what I planned to do,

Sometimes my plans are a bluff.

There are moments when time is too slow

There are moments when time is too fast.

In a blink, the future becomes the present

In a blink, the present becomes the past.

There are times when I worry about small things

There are times when I worry about big things.

There are times when I don’t worry at all

And simply listen to the songs that nature sings.

Life is like a book you must read

Without knowing when or how it ends.

Each day, each month, each year is a new chapter

With new lessons, new characters, new plot twists and bends.

There are times when this is wonderful

There are times when this is terrifying.

Some chapters end with me laughing

Some chapters end with me crying.

When the sun comes, I cry

For there’s so much that must be done.

When the stars come, I cry

For by God’s grace, I have overcome.


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