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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

Song of the Fairy Warrior

Born in hate, 

Raised in love,

I became a warrior, 

Yearning to shed blood.

To fight with power, 

With spear in hand,

I knew my destiny 

Was to kill every man

Who dared to hurt me,

Or those who were helpless. 

That was my task

As a warrior, selfless. 

I was weak before,

Now I am not.

I know how to fight.

I will never be caught

Again by vile beings

Who wish me harm.

I will use my spear 

To kill and disarm.

I am small

But I am not weak.

I am tough

Though I am meek.

I am fast.

I am agile.

Enemies beware,

Fight me at your peril.


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