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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

The Owl and the Pixie

There once was an owl

That loved to hunt at night.

It loved to catch mice

On a nightly flight.

One night the owl caught

A peculiar tiny creature.

Curious by his find

He inspected its features.

It looked like a human,

Except it was tiny.

It had wings like a butterfly,

Except they were shiny.

To his surprise

The creature he had caught

Was actually a pixie

Who was now very distraught.

“Release me at once!”

The pixie said indignantly.

“Why should I?” Asked the owl.

“For I am very hungry.”

“If you let me go,

I will grant you one wish.

Instead of eating me

You could have one big fish.”

The owl considered this suggestion.

“I do not care for fish.

Is there anything else

I could get from one wish?”

“You could ask for a mole

That is juicy and fat.

Or, if you want,

You could wish for a rat.”

“I’m not in the mood for moles

No matter how juicy or fat.

Also, as of tonight,

I don’t want a rat.”

The pixie glared at him.

“You owls can be a doozy!

What are you in the mood for

Since you are so choosy?”

The owl thought hard.

What did he want to eat?

“I’d like to try something

Other than fish and rodent meat.

“Perhaps instead of eating

A fish, mouse, or a rat,

I could have a nice, big,

Plump, delicious bat.”

“You can have that wish,”

The fairy said hastily.

“So long as you let me go.

Now please hurry.”

The owl let her go,

And she did not fly away

For if one pixie broke their word

Other poor pixies wouldn’t see another day.

“I wish for a bat,

The biggest bat in the world.”

The pixie granted his wish,

And sparkles swirled.

A great bat appeared,

And it was enormous!

It was a Giant golden-crowned flying fox bat!

It was humongous!

The bat was so big

And it’s wings so wide

That the owl was frightened

By it’s ginormous size.

Instead of trying to eat

This great winged beast,

The owl took off flying

Farther and farther east.

The pixie made her escape

And laughed until she was sore.

“Silly owl, haven’t you heard?

Be careful what you wish for.”


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