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60 Shona Character Names

Would you like to find some Shona names for your characters? Here is a list of positive Shona names that you can try. 1. Akashinga: he/she is determined 2. Acharwisa: he/she will fight on 3. Achatonga: he/she will rule 4. Anotonga: he/she rules 5. Atonga: he/she has ruled 6. Akudzwa: he/she has been praised (or honored) 7. Akudzwe: he/she be praised 8. Anashe: he/she is with the lord 9. Anembiri: he/she is famous 10. Asarudzwa: he/she has been chosen 11. Asarudza: he/she has chosen 12. Atida: he/she loved us 13. Anotida: he/she loves us 14. Batsira: provide help/ assist 15. Batanayi: unite/ work together 16. Batidza: ignite/ assist 17. Budirirayi: be successful/ succeed 18. Budiriro: success 19. Chakazorwa: the anointed one 20. Chazorwa: it has been anointed 21. Chamukute: is is golden 22. Chiwanza: increase 23. Dzarumbidzwa: they have been praised 24. Dzawanda: they have increased 25. Dzinembiri: they have fame/ two 26. Fariranayi: be happy together 27. Fadzayi: please/ bring pleasure...

Unwritten Visions

In my mind’s eye

I see the awesome battle

Between the heroine and her foe.

She defeats the villain

With her magical powers

And her magical bow.

In my mind’s eye

I see her again

Walking through an ancient tower

Trying to find the Lost Gem

Of Gorgorem

Which is said to hold great power.

In my mind’s eye

She meets a fairy

Who, with the gem, forges her new weapon

And trains her to shoot arrows with her magical bow

And gives her pyrokinesis lessons.

I see it all so clearly,

Like movie playing before me,

And rush to my computer to write.

But as I type, delete, retype, and delete

The online document remains completely white.

At night, in my bed,

The visions dance in my head

Wonderful scene after wonderful scene.

But the visions in my head

Now give me dread,

For they seem to lack plot and theme.


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