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10 Cozy Fantasy Writing Prompts

Want some inspiration to write a cozy fantasy story? Here are 10 cozy fantasy writing prompts to help get you started! Feel free to share your story in the comments or share your own writing prompt ideas if you like. Transformation Remorse A mythical being was once overjoyed to give up her old life to become a human. But after a few months have gone by, she wonders if she made the right choice. Being human isn’t always easy, and there are still a lot of cultural differences between her and the normal humans. However, she finds solace in a few other former mythical beings who have the same dilemma as her, so they decide to hang out at a cafe every now and then. Do some of them regret giving up their former magical states in exchange for a “normal” human life? Are some willing to give up the new human life that they had once struggled so hard to get? Do they decide to try to go back to being mythical beings again? If so, what do they do to revert back into a mythical being? The School f...

How to Scare a Pegasus

Scaring away a Pegasus

Can be very hard to do

When you are banned from shooting it

With an arrow or two.

It's frustrating for farmers

To deal with large winged beasts

Who eat their hard work

Of cabbages and beets.

It's sad for farmers

To watch their families grow thin

While Pegasus grow fatter 

To everyone's chagrin.

But no need to cry,

And no need to fear,

One solution to your woes

Is finally here.

I will tell you a way

To bypass the law

Of never shooting a Pegasus

Large or small.

The first thing to do,

Is go to the Whispering Wood,

At its center is a tall,

And quite blue beechwood. 

On this beechwood are fruits,

Red and gold in hue,

Pluck a few of each kind

When they have fresh morning dew.

Take the fruit home to squeeze

Into a few cups of water.

Spread the mixture on your crops;

Prepare your silent Pegasus slaughter.

Give it a few weeks,

Perhaps even a day,

And you'll find the pesky Pegasus

Have mysteriously gone away.

If anyone asks why the Pegasus

Have left your crops alone,

Say "They must’ve found paradise,

And now have a new eternal home."


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