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Rain crackles on the sidewalks As the thunder bellows and roars. Cars hiss by on the wet streets As fallen leaves soar. Lightning flashes in the clouds As the trees dance in the wind. Chills and goosebumps rise on my arms As the cold rain hits my skin. Birds sing in their havens As rivers form in the parking lot. Blades of grass flinch and twitch  As they are pelted by raindrops. Cars sweat and weep buckets As they are left out in the stormy weather. Puddles form in the mud As raindrops splash ripples in them together. The scent of asphalt and rain Fills the cool, humid air As God’s rain calms my restless soul And washes away my despair.

How to Scare a Pegasus

Scaring away a Pegasus

Can be very hard to do

When you are banned from shooting it

With an arrow or two.

It's frustrating for farmers

To deal with large winged beasts

Who eat their hard work

Of cabbages and beets.

It's sad for farmers

To watch their families grow thin

While Pegasus grow fatter 

To everyone's chagrin.

But no need to cry,

And no need to fear,

One solution to your woes

Is finally here.

I will tell you a way

To bypass the law

Of never shooting a Pegasus

Large or small.

The first thing to do,

Is go to the Whispering Wood,

At its center is a tall,

And quite blue beechwood. 

On this beechwood are fruits,

Red and gold in hue,

Pluck a few of each kind

When they have fresh morning dew.

Take the fruit home to squeeze

Into a few cups of water.

Spread the mixture on your crops;

Prepare your silent Pegasus slaughter.

Give it a few weeks,

Perhaps even a day,

And you'll find the pesky Pegasus

Have mysteriously gone away.

If anyone asks why the Pegasus

Have left your crops alone,

Say "They must’ve found paradise,

And now have a new eternal home."


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