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Broken Record

My brother’s like a broken record.  He tells me about how we used to bike around the neighborhood pretending we were race car drivers, and how we’d gained multiple knee scrapes from turning the curb too fast. He’ll tell me this story twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, and laugh about the good ol’ days. I laugh with him, because though he doesn’t remember that he’s already told me this story for the fourth time in a row, he does remember the fun we had. My brother’s like a broken record, but I don’t mind one bit.

An Apple a Day

An apple a day

Keeps the doctor away

So they say.


What would two apples do?

“Two apples a day

Must keep two doctors away,”

Thought Mary May.


Mary May

Took two apples a day

To keep two doctors away.


What about three?

“Three apples a day

Must keep three doctors away,”

Thought Mary May


Mary May

Took three apples a day.

Three apples a day

To keep the sickness at bay.


What would four apples do?

“Four apples a day

Must keep four doctors away,”

Thought Mary May.


Mary May

Took four apples a day.

Four apples a day

To keep the sickness at bay.


What about five?

“Five apples a day

Must keep five doctors away,”

Thought Mary May.


Mary May

Took five apples a day.

Five apples a day

To keep the sickness at bay.


“I feel unwell,”

Said poor Mary May

The very next day.

She went to the doctor to say,

“I took five apples a day

To keep five doctors away.

Five apples a day

To keep the sickness at bay.”


“No wonder you’re unwell,”

The doctor did say.

“Too many apples a day,

Will not keep the doctor away.

You have constipation Ms. Mary May.”


The doctor gave medicine to Mary May,

“Take two and call me Monday.”

Soon, old Mary May

Was sent on her way.


“I will not eat five apples a day

To keep five doctors away,”

Said poor Mary May.

“I will eat five scoops of ice cream a day,

“Five scoops a day

To keep the pain away.”


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